Rant of the day!

Posted: July 4, 2013 in Uncategorized

It’s stressing me out that I can’t start at the gym again till next week, been so tired from college lately trying to look after my mum it’s been too much. It does my head in that celebrities can lose a stone so easily whenever they want to but for us normal people it takes a lot longer and we then get referred to as lazy and that we’re not even trying when we are it’s just normal life takes up so much time and money. I’ve really been trying to eat healthy lately but my parents seem to have this new obsession called “I know you’re on a diet but this food won’t hurt you”. It’s like everyday they say that so obviously it’s going to slightly affect me right? I don’t mind a treat at the weekend or whatever but if it was up to me, i really like and don’t mind eating healthily, they just sometimes seem to be not in the right mindset for it which is really frustrating as know how much it’s effecting me right now. Oh well, I have 6 weeks to get back into shape and will have to fight off all naughty cravings! Hope I succeed…and rant of the day is over!

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